Your Data Visualized

With a powerful suite of features, knowing where your business stands has never been easier.

Ready, set, goal!

Set goals for key metrics to help guide your business growth. See results in real-time and get notified on your progress.

Keep it classy

Class utilization is key to the success of instructors and classes. Our heatmap allows you to see this at a glance and in detail.

Learn to love your clients

Access to quick facts, visits, contact history and lifetime spend. All the key metrics you need to understand where you stand with your clients.

Find Out Where You Stand in Real-time

Automated Dashboard
Everything you need to know about your business, at a glance. Start each day with an up-to-date overview of your revenue, attendance, marketing, and membership.

Marketing & Retention
Monitor your intro offers for opportunities to turn newbies into loyal regulars. Follow up at just the right times to keep them coming back.

Keep your finger on the pulse of your business. Check class bookings throughout the day and communicate with your team to fill open spots.

Learn More and See Packages Available

Build Your Fitness Business for the Future