From the Road of Discovery to Growing Their Franchise Business

Abby Rossi
August 2, 2022

Running a franchise was always something Diane and her husband wanted to do, but they never thought they would own multiple locations in less than one year. Diane Barber and her husband were looking to own a franchise that would improve people’s quality of life and StretchLab fell into place. Now they’re goal is to own three by the end of 2023.

Hear about how ClubReady has helped the Barber’s start at the road of discovery to opening three in Grand Rapids, Michigan by 2023.

How did you decide on a StretchLab franchise? 

Diane: As we started down a road of discovery, it just instantly clicked for my husband and I. It was an opportunity to really help improve people’s quality of life. The range of people that we could help too, I think, is something that really drew us to the franchise. It was something that everybody could find benefit in.

Which ClubReady products are you currently using?

Diane: We were only going to use ClubReady Managed Services for three weeks because we did have a GM that came on pretty quick, but as she (the GM) was getting everything down, we did an extra week, and then ended up doing four weeks. It was great! We worked with Jennifer who was fantastic – she’s been such a help and resource even after the fact.

What about ClubReady makes your job easier? 

Diane: We have a studio dashboard each week that we review with our RSM. From the ease of pulling reports, huge, huge. I can’t even tell you, I pull a report and it comes up right away and since my StretchLab hours are eight to midnight, it’s good to be able to jump on and get a recap of the day. Right now we have 61 members signed up. So I’m really excited about where we are. Last week, my team added 23, so I was really ecstatic with the momentum. I think once we got the Aurora and ClubReady systems, the momentum has kicked up, which is really exciting for us.

As an owner, how does ClubReady help you day-to-day? 

Diane: I would say being able to track everything as an owner. This is my, I wanna say third job if you count being a mom. I’m not in it every day, but I would just say from an ownership perspective, it’s really good for me to go in at the end of the day and take a snapshot and see how many members do we have, how many prospects do we have, run these reports that show me what kind of leads we’re bringing in, what kind of conversion we’re doing. Just having visibility to all of the recaps is my favorite thing about ClubReady.

Grow Your Business 

Understanding the process of how to open a franchise is one thing, but growing your business is when the ClubReady team is ready to step in. Aurora powered by ClubReady can assist in building your membership before you even open, while the ClubReady CORE solution is the next step to developing your studio and taking it to the next level.