Mobile Trends Archives - ClubReady Your A-Z Fitness Club Management Solution Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:35:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mobile Trends Archives - ClubReady 32 32 Don’t Outsource Your Mobile Loyalty Mon, 28 Aug 2023 14:22:41 +0000 Own the member relationship, your data, and keep the revenue in your studio You work hard to create a unique experience for all of your members. Their loyalty – and consistent payments – are paramount to establishing and running a profitable business. You’ve done the work, you should reap the benefits. That’s why it’s [...]

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Own the member relationship, your data, and keep the revenue in your studio

You work hard to create a unique experience for all of your members. Their loyalty – and consistent payments – are paramount to establishing and running a profitable business. You’ve done the work, you should reap the benefits. That’s why it’s important that you own that relationship everywhere, including your mobile app. It should be apparent that all apps are not created equal – and that multiple brand apps were never intended to build loyalty for your business. When selecting a mobile app to build your business or franchise consider the following.

Don’t Open the Door for Your Competition

While a rising tide might lift all ships, the fitness business is competitive. You have to operate through low tide periods as well. Your members know they have options and likely pass several on the way to their session at your business. You don’t need to present offers from other clubs on your mobile app that could steer them away from your business.

Do Build Engagement

The relationships you build with members is what creates their loyalty. Your mobile app is the extension of the 1:1 in-person interactions when they are outside of your walls. Ensure that you can offer the content and encouragement for members to reach their goals while you track their activity and progress.

Do Take What’s Yours

Long-term viability requires profitability. You should value and charge for your unique offerings accordingly, not enter into a race to the bottom based on price. What comes through your doors should be yours. Additionally, as you grow and scale, it’s important that you have insights to accurately attribute revenue to members and locations. That sounds simple, but only an app and system that prioritizes your business and loyalty makes it possible.

See what a custom-branded fitness app could do for you!

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Steps to Upgrading Your MMS Services Thu, 27 Jul 2023 17:50:51 +0000 Texting is the most reliable form of communication with members in many situations. It’s fast, convenient, and the easiest channel to execute. If you’re considering utilizing a texting platform to enhance your business operations, make sure you consider the following - and look no further than ClubReady Connect! (You can get a demo here.) By [...]

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Texting is the most reliable form of communication with members in many situations. It’s fast, convenient, and the easiest channel to execute. If you’re considering utilizing a texting platform to enhance your business operations, make sure you consider the following – and look no further than ClubReady Connect! (You can get a demo here.) By migrating over and onboarding to ClubReady Connect, you’ll have all of the following items covered:

  • Use your existing studio number! You’ve spent time and resources building familiarity and your brand with members. You don’t want to jerk the rug out from that unnecessarily.
  • Your conversation history will be preserved.  Being able to look back can help determine what worked, what didn’t, and even help revive inactive members.
  • Data can be transferrable. Staying compliant and recognizing how people want to be communicated with is critical – and required.
  • Pricing is competitive. While having a solution might be seen as the “cost of doing business,” it shouldn’t break the business. Do they have the features, plans, and options that meet both your needs and budget.
  • Training and support are provided. If you can’t use and operate the solution, everything listed above really doesn’t matter. Make sure they have experience and the resources to ensure your success.

With all of those questions answered there is still one thing to understand about migrating MMS services. While sending text messages is quick, the process of changing providers is not. There is an in-depth onboarding process that requires time and validation. By completing this, it ensures that messages sent, aren’t listed as spam, and protects consumers from unsolicited messages. Working with the customer and the carriers, this can take up to 8 weeks for approval. Listed below is the step-by-step process and timeline that ClubReady will use to onboard customers to ClubReady Connect.

  1. Sign JotForm & LOA by agreed upon date.
  2. Compliance and account provisioning started – Up to 6 weeks
  3. Receive port date/time xxx days
  4. Onboard to CR Connect for set up and training – 2-5 days
  5. Go Live/start messaging – next business day after the day of port
  6. First payment runs on go live date

These are critical steps necessary for the success of your business and investment. Registering your business and the types of messaging you plan to send ensures your ability to reach clients and prospects without being flagged or rejected by carriers. Planning ahead also enables you to avoid last-minute bottlenecks with onboarding or any other issues.

To learn more or get started with your migration, contact a ClubReady expert today.


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Smart Texting Tips to Connect Leads and Goals Wed, 26 Jul 2023 15:57:01 +0000 A recent study found that 98% of text messages are opened compared to just 20% of emails delivered. Cold calling stats are harder to find, but if you don’t ignore calls from unknown numbers you’re in the minority. That makes it clear that effective and engaging text messages should be your first choice in [...]

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A recent study found that 98% of text messages are opened compared to just 20% of emails delivered. Cold calling stats are harder to find, but if you don’t ignore calls from unknown numbers you’re in the minority. That makes it clear that effective and engaging text messages should be your first choice in communications. The great news is that it can also help scale your business while maximizing staff efficiency. Like everything else, start with a plan and strategy.

Have A Call to Action

Whether reaching out to a lead or a member via text, the main objective is to get a response that turns into a dialogue that directs them to the purpose for the contact. A common complaint heard from owners is, “I paid for these digital leads, why aren’t they responding?” Just because a person clicked an ad, they DO NOT owe us a response! It is our responsibility to create a call-to-action that merits a reply. Remaining in control of the conversation will ensure that the lead stays engaged and open to reply, for example:

Lead: “What are your hours?”

Studio: “We are open 7 days a week with classes from 6 am-8 pm during the week and mornings only on the weekends! Tell me, when do you prefer to work out?”

A common mistake is answering their question completely without a follow-up call to action. Keep it open! This keeps you in the driver’s seat and prompts the lead to reply to your objective, whether it’s a sale or booking them for a class.

Identify Yourself

First and foremost, identify yourself and where you are texting from to make the client comfortable communicating with your unrecognized number. Without this, you can create a lack of trust right off the bat and decrease your chance of any response. After the introduction, you can segway into your purpose for the contact.

Timing is Everything – Be Ready

People are busy! For every person that prefers morning communications, another will prefer late evening. Some locations will send automated messages when a new lead enters their CRM system, but if the client thinks that message is starting a conversation when it’s not they’ll be disappointed. Engaging when they initially reach out in minutes is great if you can, but being ready to really communicate when they reply is more crucial to results.

What Can Happen?

The fact is texting is how we communicate, and it can drive results. For example, Rumble Hoboken recently opened its doors in February 2023. During its first month of presale operations it was able to attain 311 members – 302 of which were the direct result of text communications!

Learn more, get a demo now.

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Midwest Owner Growing with Strength and Resiliency Thu, 20 Jul 2023 20:56:37 +0000 The east and west coasts sometimes dominate a lot of the fitness business conversation. But knowing the fitness benefits for members and opportunities for operators, it’s clear that minds and trends are changing in the middle of the country as well. That’s what Rachel Hilton, a franchise owner in and around the Kansas City metro [...]

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The east and west coasts sometimes dominate a lot of the fitness business conversation. But knowing the fitness benefits for members and opportunities for operators, it’s clear that minds and trends are changing in the middle of the country as well. That’s what Rachel Hilton, a franchise owner in and around the Kansas City metro area has seen. “It is taking more time for people to understand that it’s not an expense, it’s an investment in themselves.” It takes someone that believes to lead the way. That’s why they opened their first franchise locations in Lee’s Summit, MO, signing leases in March of 2020 (we all know what happened next in 2020) and opening a Pure Barre in August and a CycleBar that November. 

“We were able to come out of that and we’ve started working on growing and getting the systems in place to make sure that we’re servicing the volume of members that we need to be profitable and sustainable.”
Rachel Hilton, Owner

Staying Alive

With business models built on class capacity, times were clearly tough. “There was a lot of just grin and bear it,” says Hilton. “There was nothing we could do, so we just had to figure out how to be creative about selling memberships. We tried to do as many in-person things as we could that were outside, like, ‘Hey, we’re going to pop up a table outside in a park, come meet us.’” Sometimes those efforts were successful. Other times not. But they kept soldiering on and came out the other side stronger. 

“We were able to come out of that and we’ve started working on growing and getting the systems in place to make sure that we’re servicing the volume of members that we need to be profitable and sustainable,” she says.  


Building Tech Connections

When you have one studio sometimes the choice of platforms can be almost inconsequential if it does what you need. But as you add more studios, standardizing on one solution becomes critical. That is also when additional functionality becomes important. That’s what Rachel found with their texting provider. “Originally, we were using our studio phones to text, which was fine, but it wasn’t integrated obviously into Club Ready. It was really hard to keep track of everything.” That’s when a program that’s built to scale such as ClubReady  and ClubReady Connect come into play. “I like the integration into ClubReady,” said Hilton. That saves time and provides clarity for the sales team because they can do everything in one platform – send it, call people, call the leads, do what they need to do and then move on to the next person within one platform. “I’m excited for that to be seamless and real-time,” says Hilton, “when a lead can come into the system, we’re already working it to call them and then we can go straight to texting them. That’ll be really nice.” 

Measuring and reporting are critical to successfully grow any business. You have to know where you are to know where you need to go. That’s where Hilton takes a very disciplined approach. “I like the reporting side of it,” she says. “I have goal sheets with each of our studios that we update daily based on reports we pull from ClubReady. We know how many memberships we’ve sold, our revenue per unit, how many first-time visits we have coming, all of those critical things. I compile all of those important reports into one interface for our team so they know exactly how they’re tracking for the month.” 

“I like the integration into ClubReady.”
Rachel Hilton, Owner 

Creating Connections

Because fitness studios are continuously working to balance new members with those that leave, communications are critical. That means having the right message at the right time. “I like that we can schedule text messages because we do that a lot,” says Hilton. “We schedule our messages for people who are new to the studio like, ‘Hey reminder you have this class coming up, here’s your waiver.’” 

Getting people into the habit of going to the studio in those first months after they sign up is critical. If they don’t build that habit, they are much more likely to churn. To overcome that, they’ve built in challenges for the first month to make sure that members utilize their classes. Through a combination of automated text messages, hand-written notes, and personal letters at different points in their fitness journey, they work to build strong lines of communication.  Add in the other methods of milestone recognition for member achievements – signed bars, decorated bikes and other swag – and they’re creating personal relationships and loyalty that lead to member fitness and business success.  

Rachel Hilton - growing franchises in the Midwest.

Grow Your Fitness Business

Having the right technology in place isn’t just critical for businesses to scale as quickly as Rachel has, it’s part of the reason they’re able to scale. Check out more examples of businesses using ClubReady to scale their operations or get a consultation to learn what it can do for your operations.  

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Make the Most of Your Fitness App Experience Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:50:42 +0000 As technology evolves, fitness enthusiasts and trainers have a myriad of options for how they can best monitor the way   they live their lives. A simple example of this is that most smartphones come with apps that track daily movement and exercise preinstalled, such as Apple’s Health app, offering users a fitness baseline. This is taken a step [...]

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As technology evolves, fitness enthusiasts and trainers have a myriad of options for how they can best monitor the way   they live their lives.

A simple example of this is that most smartphones come with apps that track daily movement and exercise preinstalled, such as Apple’s Health app, offering users a fitness baseline. This is taken a step forward with wearables like the Apple Watch and FitBit, which track the different ways people move throughout their day and how many calories they burn. Some newer models are designed to integrate with their preferred exercise machines at the gym.

Then there are calorie diary apps like My Fitness Pal that allow users to track how much they are consuming each day as they work toward their goal weight. Everything a fitness enthusiast could want to help them live a healthy lifestyle is available right at their fingertips on their smartphone, so where do fitness businesses, like ClubReady, fit into this?

With these advancements, the fitness industry as a whole, must evolve to accommodate them. This begs the question of how can you tailor your fitness business’ experience to people who are increasingly running their entire life from their smartphone? The answer is an accessible, intuitive member app that can live alongside their calorie tracker, pedometer, personal calendar and workout playlist.

The ClubReady Member App offers the best of both worlds. The Member App allows for ease of use pulling together everything a member might need to make the most out of their fitness experience. It lets users manage their workouts and scheduled classes remotely, integrating with their personal calendar. Members can also use it to purchase credits for sessions anytime, anywhere so they won’t miss a session. The app also boasts a streamlined check-in feature that gives users their scannable barcode on their phone and the accessibility to update their personal profile information at any time. It’s the perfect solution to reach the customer whose smartphone is attached to their hand and make their experience infinitely accessible.

If your members aren’t using the ClubReady Member app, they’re missing out. The latest update to our app includes a redesigned service selection workflow that offers an improved way to view a club’s schedule, making it easier to find the trainer that best fits their style. Another new feature is a fix for better “cross club” bookings, that help ensure that users can be certain they are booking the right class at the right club. It is an ever changing, evolving app that is there to make members’ experience at your business that much easier.

ClubReady’s Member App can simplify your customer’s fitness experience. Try it out for yourself right now on either iOS or Android.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

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What’s it Take to be the Mobile Fitness Business Experience Leader? Mon, 07 Nov 2022 12:59:33 +0000 The demands and expectations of members are increasing – a modern mobile experience is at the top of their list. Together ClubReady and myFitApp enable you to design a mobile app with the flexible experiences members crave and the technology and business tools you need. From advanced professional features to @home options, discover how you can [...]

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The demands and expectations of members are increasing – a modern mobile experience is at the top of their list. Together ClubReady and myFitApp enable you to design a mobile app with the flexible experiences members crave and the technology and business tools you need.

From advanced professional features to @home options, discover how you can attract new prospects, retain existing members, and improve your user experience—all while creating new revenue streams.

Learn more about creating an exceptional mobile experience!

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Create Your Studio’s Ideal Mobile First-Customer Journey Tue, 25 Oct 2022 19:12:15 +0000 Take an in-depth walk-through of all that myFitApp and ClubReady have to offer. See how you can create an app with your brand design and design your own modern, mobile-first customer journey: Stand out with infinite customizability Find and drive more leads Communicate directly with members Tap member connections for referrals Book and buy [...]

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Take an in-depth walk-through of all that myFitApp and ClubReady have to offer.

See how you can create an app with your brand design and design your own modern, mobile-first customer journey:

  • Stand out with infinite customizability
  • Find and drive more leads
  • Communicate directly with members
  • Tap member connections for referrals
  • Book and buy in-app
  • Get creative!

Watch the Most Advanced Mobile Fitness App Step-by-Step


Want Pricing? Click Here!

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Mobile App Drives Fitness Business Successes Thu, 20 Oct 2022 18:56:16 +0000 It’s a mobile-first world – we see that every day in the fitness industry! However, delivering a professional mobile app can create a number of challenges for owners and managers. Those challenges get exponentially harder as they look to scale and grow their businesses. From branding consistency to addressing omnichannel audiences to custom coding [...]

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It’s a mobile-first world – we see that every day in the fitness industry! However, delivering a professional mobile app can create a number of challenges for owners and managers.

Those challenges get exponentially harder as they look to scale and grow their businesses. From branding consistency to addressing omnichannel audiences to custom coding and costs, it can be a burden. Discover how creative companies are using the power of myFitApp to focus on their business, not their app, to address their needs, create exceptional experiences, and increase revenue.

“The App is a fabulous platform to engage with current and future customers. We are delighted with the results from the Lead Generation module.”

Paula Spencer-Snell
Digital Media Officer, South Downs Leisure

“Best bookings platform. With all Queen’s Sport activities now bookable via the App, membership sign up and news items also on the App, it is a one-stop platform for everyone.”

Frank McCusker
Marketing and Systems Manager, Queen’s University Belfast

“Our App has transformed how we interact with our customers, allowing us to react quickly to changing circumstances. Before, we couldn’t change anything on our App – with the myFitApp platform we are in full control, and we can change everything ourselves.”

Steve Ward
Associate Director of Marketing, Sales & Digital, GLL

“We were skeptical at first, whether the myFitApp lead generation tool would really work as well. But the results speak for themselves! The implementation was super easy and quick. Leads can be managed very easily and we always have an overview of all recommendations. Without further effort, new leads are generated continuously.”

Markus Fandry

Want to learn more?

Click here to learn more about all of the advantages of ClubReady + myFitApp

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Mobile App Creates a Modernized Fitness Club and Studio Experience Fri, 14 Oct 2022 18:46:42 +0000 Creating a fresh member experience that aligns with your brand vision can seem impossible. At the very least, it will take more time and expertise than you have available. Not any more. ClubReady and myFitApp have worked together to create a great modern and scalable experience that you control, starting with a mobile app. [...]

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Creating a fresh member experience that aligns with your brand vision can seem impossible. At the very least, it will take more time and expertise than you have available. Not any more.

ClubReady and myFitApp have worked together to create a great modern and scalable experience that you control, starting with a mobile app. Watch a quick overview video:


ClubReady + myFitApp Features

  • Highly customized app with the ease of an off-the-shelf solution
  • Android and iOS
  • Create and control your brand’s customer journey
  • Publish your content
  • Message members
  • Enable members to book and pay for classes

Get started now – download your personal version of the app here:

Reach out to learn more!

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ClubReady and myFitApp Create the Ultimate Member Experience for Fitness Business Owners Wed, 22 Jun 2022 17:56:41 +0000 New partnership gives fitness and health club owners advantages in a rapidly changing market. ST. LOUIS, June 22, 2022 | Today, ClubReady, the leading provider of full-suite studio fitness and wellness club management software and services, announced a partnership with  Clubessential Holdings' sister company, Innovatise, to offer its open, flexible, independent, mobile marketing platform myFitApp to the [...]

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New partnership gives fitness and health club owners advantages in a rapidly changing market.

ST. LOUIS, June 22, 2022 | Today, ClubReady, the leading provider of full-suite studio fitness and wellness club management software and services, announced a partnership with  Clubessential Holdings‘ sister company, Innovatise, to offer its open, flexible, independent, mobile marketing platform myFitApp to the fitness industry.

With the new partnership, ClubReady customers can build their business with the power of a branded member app they design and manage, including the modern features members demand with the flexibility clubs need. This creates an unbeatable 1-2 punch when combined with the backend strength and scalability of the ClubReady suite.

In addition to creating and managing their branded app themselves, with myFitApp powered by ClubReady, fitness businesses can retain members, acquire new ones and upsell existing members with a range of features, including:

  • Booking and event scheduling quick and easy booking for members
  • Content marketing gyms can create and publish content in their app in minutes
  • myFitApp@home built-in live-streamed and on-demand video platform
  • Monetization and paywall integrated payment for physical and digital goods and services
  • Lead generation integrated referral programs that can pay for the app many times over
  • Attendance and access control that prevent fraud and increase revenue

Combined with the ClubReady core suite for member management, billing, CRM, staff management, business analytics, performance tracking, and managed sales services, the partnership offers the most robust mobile fitness technology solution in the industry.

“The fitness industry is becoming increasingly member-centric and many want the flexibility to workout at home or wherever they are. The advanced capabilities of myFitApp enable studios to deliver a hybrid experience that delivers on their brand promise with every touch,” said Darol Lain, President of ClubReady. “At the same time, it empowers gym operators with advanced sales and marketing tools to drive new members and retain and upsell existing members.”

“The gym market is rapidly growing and evolving,” commented Thomas Schuster, CEO of Innovatise, the company behind myFitApp. “Fitness businesses need tools to deliver an outstanding user experience, a marketing platform to acquire and retain customers, and a powerful solution to manage it all as the business grows. The combination of myFitApp and ClubReady does exactly that.”

To learn more about the advantages of this new partnership visit the website Current ClubReady customers can begin taking advantage of the myFitApp capabilities by contacting


Innovatise is the developer of myFitApp, an open, hybrid fitness platform gyms & health clubs use to communicate their brand, retain members, acquire new ones and deliver digital fitness using the unique power of mobile. With over 2,300 gyms and over 10M App downloads worldwide, we are leaders in providing marketing-focused, branded apps for gyms, particularly in the UK and DACH. Our UK customers include GLL, Everyone Active, Bannatyne and Gymbox. In DACH our customers include JustFit, Fitnessloft, Elixia, Smile X and PureGym. To learn more, visit Follow on Facebook and LinkedIn


ClubReady is the leading provider of full-suite studio fitness and wellness club management software and services. Founded in 2009, ClubReady has been committed to building the studio fitness business of the future. The ClubReady Fitness Management Platform provides clients with full membership management and engagement experience to attract, retain and better serve their members. From CRM to royalty management, and multimedia messaging to predictive analytics, ClubReady is focused on delivering software leading to higher member engagement, retention, and loyalty, as well as unlocking earning potential, capitalizing on utilization trends, and optimizing member acquisition and retention. For more information, visit

Clubessential Holdings LLC

Clubessential Holdings is fulfilling its global mission of investing in and creating cutting-edge, category-defining businesses by providing a full suite of membership and club management Software as a Service solutions to private clubs, public golf courses, health & fitness clubs, military organizations, municipalities, and college athletic programs. Across eight brands – Clubessential, ClubReady, Exerp, foreUP, Innovatise, PrestoSports, TAC, and Vermont Systems – the company offers a variety of forward-thinking technology and services which help more than 10,000 customers attract, engage, and retain club and community members and fans for life. For more information, visit

Media Contact

Amy Huff
Phone: 513.533.5788

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